Partners associations
Paris Kibbutz carries out its actions in partnership with several associations including : The Federation of Black Jews,Lehaïm Handicap, Le Cercle du Pont des Harmonies.

Partners associations
The psycho-socio-educational actions of the Kibbutz of Paris and the Léhaïm handicap association articulate some of their proposals in order to be more operational and a force of proposal for families.
Through its musical events, the Pont des Art’Monies association allows artists to multiply the opportunities to perform in order to make themselves known more and to live from their talent. These events are also convivial moments offering young and adult participants the possibility of friendly and professional encounters as well as proximity, opportunities for exchange with the artists.
These artistic moments are shared in exchange for a cooperative contribution :
- the provision of a place or an apartment for the event
- a buffet offered during the event with what everyone brings
A financial contribution from each guest, modest in relation to the talent of the artist (s) who perform, but which, combined, constitutes a significant support in the lives of the artists
The associative proposal of the Cercle du Pont des Art’Monies resonates with the ethics and certain actions of the Kibbutz of Paris. A partnership allows the articulation of some of their investments (“Professional network” / Artistic events; “Psycho-socio-educational actions” / Artistic events).
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About the Paris Kibbutz :
“Paris Kibbutz” is the first existing kibbutz, of the “rurban” type. It is also the name of the non-profit association whose goal is to promote a way of life inspired by the classic kibbutz and the urban kibbutz : the “rurban kibbutz”. This association was founded in July 2018.
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Our Publications :
The first Kibbutz ?
The First Kibbutz? Solomon must decide on the location of the temple: he hesitates, worse, he doubts … he does not know where the Temple will
The Federation of Black Jews
The association “Paris Kibbutz” and the “Federation of Black Jews”. A meeting, an effective collaboration for more than two years.The creation of the State of Israel
The Nahal
Nahal, an innovation that lasts … The Nahal : The role of the young soldiers of this brigade founded by Ben-Gurion in 1948, in the tradition
Ecology, eco-zionism and kibbutz
Michael Livni :Who is Michael Livni ?Over the past forty years, the world has come to realize the importance of a comprehensive understanding of the world
James Horrox – the kibbutz movement and anarchy, a living revolution!
The Kibbutz Movement and Anarchy, a Living Revolution. James Horrox. Summary of the work written by Joëlle, member of Paris Kibbutz. The kibbutz movement took