Join us

Our Kibbutz :

Supporters: (532)
Our donors, as well as people who participate “à la carte” and according to their availability in the events offered by the association, are considered “sympathizers” of the “Le Kibbutz de Paris” association.

Members: (19)
“Members” of the association are considered to be people who devote a certain amount of time to various actions, to various events, to the collective life offered by Le Kibbutz de Paris. They are up to date with their membership fees to the association and participate in general meetings after agreement from the office, in a consultative capacity.

Haver Kibbutz: (6)
People who have followed the KDP Visio seminar-workshop for at least 1 year and who wish to invest financially in housing, within one of the KDP project centers: in Sèvres are considered to belong to the ‘Haverim group. , Yaoundé or in Israel.

How to be with us, to take part?

How can you become one of us?

If you wish to become a member or haver, you must first:

  • integrate the cycle of 6 monthly seminars-workshops, via Video, one Tuesday or Thursday every 2 months at 9 p.m. This seminar-workshop is free subject to a one-year commitment to regular attendance. It leads us to think about the past and contemporary history of the kibbutz and Intentional Communities in the world and to implement the fruitful lessons of this history in the KDP project. This participation allows one to be sufficiently aware of what is happening within a modern kibbutz to participate fruitfully and decide on actions within the KDP.
    If you want to be with us, write to:

Introduce yourself in a few words and say why our project interests you and how you could contribute to it.


In parallel, you can :

  • become a member of Paris Kibbutz.
  • call us to discuss a project you would like to take on with us.
  • actively take part in our events, parties, and stays, etc.
  • integrate your place of residence to the interkibbutz reception.
  • invest in one of our psycho-socio-educational actions
  • offer yourself as a host family
  • Make a donation

How to donate ?

  • By mail
  • By bank transfer

You can visit our “Contribution and Donation” page. In so doing, you can have access to the contact details of the association so as to make a contribution/ donation by choosing a way of payment that suits you.

Once you have made a contribution, don’t forget to give us your name, address and the amount of your contribution in order to receive a CERFA document which is a receipt. It will account for a tax reduction of 66% of your donation.

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About the Paris Kibbutz :

“Paris Kibbutz” is the first existing kibbutz, of the “rurban” type. It is also the name of the non-profit association whose goal is to promote a way of life inspired by the classic kibbutz and the urban kibbutz : the “rurban kibbutz”. This association was founded in July 2018.

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Our Publications :

The Nahal

Nahal, an innovation that lasts … The Nahal : The role of the young soldiers of this brigade founded by Ben-Gurion in 1948, in the tradition

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