Humanitarian Action

A “safe haven”:

Paris Kibbutz offers refugees temporary host families belonging to its network of accommodation places. The stay can be from 8 days to 1 month. It allows us to offer a haven of peace to young and old who face insecurity, rejection, violence and war in their daily lives. During the stay, informal and/or formal post-traumatic therapy is induced.

This welcome has been offered, since the creation of the KDP, to young Israelis experiencing psycho-socio-economic difficulties and/or traumatized because they live in areas exposed to rocket fire and/or from emigration experiencing integration difficulties.

Paris Kibbutz also works to establish connections with kibbutzim in Israel and intentional communities around the world. Thus, in the event of a humanitarian crisis (war, persecution, genocide, climatic disaster, etc.), this fraternal network would be able to welcome its threatened members.

In place of a prototype, LKDP is at the initiative of a first network of kibbutz or the first international kibbutz (poles: Sèvres, Yaoundé, Israel) which, if it were deployed on the planet thanks to the emergence of other kibbutz, intentional communities of the same order, would be a response to the problem of welcoming and reintegrating refugees. There would then be no more refugees! The kibbutznics, semi-nomadic, would live and share where life would be lenient.

The reception of refugees would no longer be managed by states relayed by organizations which sometimes make a business of humanitarian reception but would be managed by kibbutz citizens or members of intentional communities. Between the one who works remotely, the one who lives in a non-threatened community and the one who must relearn a trade, between the kibbutz in a haven of peace and the kibbutz that has become impractical, sharing would always be the guarantor of a dignified life. for everyone, at all times.

"It is the human being who heals the human being.”

Marcel Rufo

Some supporters and members of the KDP as well as non-KDP members are offering, to come to the aid of populations in great difficulty or persecuted around the world, money commensurate with their respective means. The association “Psycho-socio-educational and humanitarian action LKDP”, recognized as a public utility, allows its donors to benefit from tax reductions of 66% of the sums committed.

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About the Paris Kibbutz :

“Paris Kibbutz” is the first existing kibbutz, of the “rurban” type. It is also the name of the non-profit association whose goal is to promote a way of life inspired by the classic kibbutz and the urban kibbutz : the “rurban kibbutz”. This association was founded in July 2018.

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Our Publications :

The Nahal

Nahal, an innovation that lasts … The Nahal : The role of the young soldiers of this brigade founded by Ben-Gurion in 1948, in the tradition

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